we are under the same bright moon
Yes, it's just me, Nathers. Being all cheesy. ♥

subby... oh, sunny day
We went for a walk today by the river here in Uppsala - yes, we finally moved here!
The weather was amazing. Sweden sure is beautiful, doesn't matter what season it is.
We decided to eat our Subway meal outside.
We decided to eat our Subway meal outside.
soothing for tired ears
Bobby Caldwell - My Flame
I'm sorry
I was just about to upload the pictures from our vacation in Malaysia.
Unfortunately I don't have the pictures on my computer..
Too bad!
Here is an old picture of me that I found on my external hard drive.

(piercing, short and black hair, summer)
Pictures from today:
Lovely guys 

A silly picture of me and my soulmate!

Squeezed nose 

sleepy feet
I went to watch the gorgeous people at Scandic Hotel.
My feet hurts! :D
I'll post pictures from the prom in a few minutes!

walking in the rain
Last night I decided to go for a walk with my friend Evelina, we went to Långnäs and back again.
I really needed that! Thanks!
The view was amazing!

Two ducks scared the hell out of Evelina, we tried to get some pictures of them.
It was impossible because they were running around.
mysterious red spots, wine? blood?
I found these random spots on the bathroom ceiling when I was cleaning. It looked like someone had spilled red wine up there. I don't know how good these pictures are..
Take a look for yourself!
And THIS is how the sink looked like after I rinsed the cloth.
What is up there?

NO! HAHAHA! I found a better one! Sexy!

I've been cleaning the bedroom and the big closet today! Hooray for me.
Can't believe we're moving soon.
I'm going to Olof's tonight, I have to cut his hair!
Here's a cute picture. Ha ha ha ;)

43 things
I recently discovered a really cite website. It's called 43 Things, you sign up and create your own bucket list!
So far I only have 1 entry, but I'm going to fill in some more soon.
Here's my first goal:
So far I only have 1 entry, but I'm going to fill in some more soon.
Here's my first goal:
pancakes in the sun
I'm not hungry, but I made some pancakes just in case I do get hungry later.
(Old picture from last week or so..)

empty apartment
It's "finally" Saturday. The sun is shining, the apartment is almost empty, but there's one thing missing.
He went to Turkey (Alanya) this morning, so I'll have to manage without him for a whole week.
He went to Turkey (Alanya) this morning, so I'll have to manage without him for a whole week.
We slept at E&A's place last night, after Marco left we watched "How I Met Your Mother".
Thank god for good friends!
Thank god for good friends!
Blurry picture from the screen.

mushy mushroom
Marco is doing his last exams this week, so he is studying hard.
Biology at the moment..
Too cool for school, but cool enough for you!